Saturday, September 8, 2012

Just a couple more thoughts...

Hello everyone! As you've no doubt noticed, we all got bogged down with other projects and have moved on a bit from this wonderful little conversation about Latour and a few other amazing thinkers. I hope there are some helpful thoughts in here for those browsing around. I find that this act of stumbling upon new ways of putting things is, even if the train of the thought in which they appear is a bit wonky (and many of mine are here, believe me, much less than Evan's) enough to give you at least another angle into something, the other person having colored the object of thought in a way you wouldn't perhaps have. This, a recent phenomenon in which two of the best aspects of both philosophy and study of letters are combined, a focus on both apt phrasing and inventive thought in these semi-diaristic, semi-conversational logs, makes talking about these things truer to the lengthy history of a lack of division between both fields, and increases (rather than decreases) the penetration of both--this certainly is what I like to get out of blogs like these, and is certainly what I think I get out of this one, rereading it occasionally as I do. Just as an update, you can now find Evan at the LARB and finishing up at Princeton, me still working here at Princeton, and Paul doing amazing philosophy--all, I think, a bit wiser for what's gone on here, and the really valuable work of the thinkers we engaged with.


Anonymous said...

It's kind of sad having stumbled upon this blog so late. Still, it's a great example of the wonderful things that can happen when taking academic arguments and specialized topics of discussion out of the seminars and into the web. Keep up with the good work and thanks!